Friday, January 1, 2010

Vegetable Fried Rice

Dinner tonight was simple, another meal with semi-Asian flair.  Fried rice is one of those meals that is pretty hard to mess up, because it takes no time at all and no skill required. (I am very much a fan of these)

2 pouches of Uncle Ben' Ready Rice Brown Rice, cooked (can you tell I like these things)
1 bag of frozen stir-fry veggies
1 cup of frozen shelled edamame
2 eggs
touch of sesame oil
teaspoon or so of minced garlic (we always have a jar of this stuff in the fridge - saves time on chopping)
crushed red pepper
soy sauce
green onions

Defrost the veggies & edamame in the microwave.  Scramble the egg in a non-stick pan, then set aside. In the same pan, heat the oil with the garlic & red pepper (i only used a dash or two, but be liberal if you like the spicy) Stir in the veggies & rice, cook until heated (only about 2 minutes), stir in the egg & soy sauce to taste. Top with the green onions, and you've got a fried rice.  Not too glamorous, but a hearty meal with lots of heart healthy veggies.

1 comment:

  1. dave... when i come back to the northwest im eatin at your house every weekend.
