Monday, January 4, 2010

Baked Chicken with Glazed Pineapple

Oh my, this was delicious! It may not look like much, but it might be my favorite of the week.

We had some leftover shredded chicken, and half a pineapple from last night. I used both to create this dish.

The Chicken was simply reheated in the microwave.

For the pineapple:
  1. Cut into cubes and take about two cups (I just grabbed a couple handfulls).
  2. Toss with two tablespoons of maple syrup, and a couple shakes of cumin powder.
  3. Throw the tossed pineapple and cook in non-stick skillet for about 4 minutes, or until the pineapple gets richer in color or soft. I flipped them a couple times with my fingers to make sure they got cooked on all sides.
  4. Take them off the heat and sprinkle with a bit of brown sugar if you're as much of a sweet tooth as I am.

Combine the pineapple and chicken and enjoy! The sweet pineapple with the juicy chicken is fantastic.

I forgot to throw it on the plate before the picture but I also had some green beans (frozen and heated in the microwave). Not great but a good addition with the chicken.

1 comment:

  1. While not the most visually stunning of meals, the pineapple with the cumin was a delicious combination. This one goes in the repeat offender list.
