Monday, January 11, 2010

Baked BBQ Chicken

Once again Stephanie puts me in charge, and once again I fail to approach her level of complexity and taste.

I was pretty excited for this, to tell you all the truth. We got a nice BBQ sauce from Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho... I am not sure which (it was in Yellowstone, so hey, that's ambiguous!). Unfortunately it failed to impress. So, when you're there, save the $10 and just buy something at the grocery store.

I baked the thighs with a bit of chicken broth and garlic. Painted some BBQ sauce on it. Baked at 375 for 45min. Standard baked BBQ! Not bad, but not great. Made me crave some good weather so I can cook outside again :)

I promise we'll have something better tomorrow!!!

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