Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Penne with Capers Olives and Tomatoes

Yes, David does cook occasionally! Tonight I made some delicious pasta, and here is how:
  • Boil some water, throw the Penne in, cook for about 10-12 minutes for ALA DENTE
While that is going on:
  • Toss some olive oil in a pan and heat at medium-high
  • Add a couple shakes of crushed red pepper (lots of shakes if you're awesome like me), and finely chopped GARLIC (also lots if you want to be 2x awesome like me)
  • Add a 2 tablespoons capers, about three cups of chopped tomatoes (I quartered grape-tomatoes), and about a cup of chopped olives (we chose kalameda because they are the best)
  • Reduce heat and simmer all that for about 8 minutes
  • Add pasta and stir her up a bit to get it all mixed. Let sit for about a minute.
  • Top with Parmesan and fresh chopped basil
Very easy, very filling, full of flavor, I could go on and on and on about this pasta! But I won't.

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