Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chipotle Pulled-Pork Barbeque Sandwiches

Tonight's dinner was a bit labor intense & semi-time consuming, but had a good smoky flavor.

  • Finely chop 1 chipotle chile from a can with adobo sauce (found in Mexican section of the grocery store, near the jalapenos). I used 3 chiles to give it an extra kick and to satiate David's crave for spice.  3 was 1 too many :)
  • In a largish sauce pan, dump in the chiles, 1/4 bbq sauce, shake or two of garlic powder & cumin, a can of diced tomatoes (don't drain them)
  • Put in 1 lb of cubed pork tenderloin (I used porkchops) and simmer for 45 minutes, covered.  Yes, 45 minutes - this is officially the lengthiest meal I've made on a work day.
  • When the pork is almost done, saute up some thin sliced onions with olive oil & thyme (I had some leftover from the roast the other night)
  • After 45 min is up, pull out the chunks of pork and pull apart, put back in sauce & stir around a bit to season up.
  • Serve it the pork on a sliced kaiser bun (they are sturdy enough to soak up any sauce & helps hold it all together) with a slice of provolone & topped with onions.
With the 3 chiles, it was pretty hot for my taste, so I really couldn't focus much on the flavors that were happening, but David claimed it tasted good.  He devoured in 30 seconds or less, but maybe that's because dinner was so late?

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