Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lasagna Night

As promised, tonight was lasagna night in the Vranizan household.  Lasagna is one of my favorite Italian foods.  If I remember correctly, I would frequently request my mom to make this for my birthday dinners.

Tonight's lasagna:
  • Cook up some lasanga noodles per package directions (I used whole wheat noodles)
  • Italian sausage cooked up with 8oz of sliced mushrooms
  • Stir in a jar of your favorite flavor of pasta sauce (tonight we used sweet tomato basil)
  • In another bowl, mix in a handful of chopped fresh basil (leftover from the pork tenderloin) with a container of ricotta cheese.
  • Start with a thin layer of the meat sauce mixture in the bottom of baking pan, then place down noodles, layer of ricotta cheese mixture, mozzarella and repeat.
I have a lasagna pan specifically designed for lasagna, but it very large square-footage wise and not very deep, so I ran out of noodles for the top of the lasagna, so my layers ended up a little exposed.  Technical difficulties, but didn't change the taste.

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