Thursday, January 21, 2010

Schezhwan Shrimp wtth Rice

I know - our blog has been very slim this week.  This week has been pretty busy.  I was working past 9pm two nights this week, so David was left to fend for himself.  If it weren't for his brilliant soup, and the kindness of his family for having us over for dinner the other night - our nutrition may have been at stake. There were enough leftovers in the fridge to keep him alive throughout the week, but tonight - we really needed to sit & eat a meal together at our own table.

To make this scrumptious and filling meal:
  • Start by putting some rice in the rice cooker - turn on (this is the most difficult step)
  • Briefly marinade about 2 lbs of raw shrimp in a sesame ginger marinade & red pepper flakes.
  • Right when the rice cooker is about done, throw the shrimp in a pan with some garlic and cook through.  
  • Top with some green onions and crushed peanuts.  
  • You could mix it up by making this with either chicken or thin slices of beef.
This made plenty with enough left over for lunches.  Waiting for the rice cooker to finish was the hardest & most time consuming portion of this meal.  Yum!

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