Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cheese-crusted Potato Scones

We always post our dinner adventures, but this morning - I actually tried something post worthy for breakfast.

Weekend breakfasts are always the best - I like to linger at the breakfast table with a good cup of coffee.


1 3/4 cup of flour
3 tbsp of wheat flour ( I didn't have any on hand so I just used more white flour)
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp of baking powder

  • Sift together the dry ingredients and then cut in 1/4 stick of butter with a pastry blender
  • In another small little bowl - stir in 5 tbsp milk with 1/4 cold mashed potatoes & pepper (I just make a super small batch of instant mashed potatoes and put them in the freezer to cool off rapidly)
  • Add the potatoes to the dry ingredients and stir with a fork until all mixed in
    • At this stage - I had to add WAY more milk than what the recipe called for - my dough was super dry.  I probably ended up adding another 1/4 cup of milk to get a good sticky dough
  • Kneed out the dough until smooth and place on a cookie sheet and shape into a round ball.
  • Score the dough with a knife into "scone-like" shapes.
  • Brush top with a bit of milk and top with finely grated cheddar cheese.
  • Bake at 425 for 15 minutes.
These scones turned out tasting just fine but ended up the same texture and consistency of a baking powder biscuit and you couldn't even taste any potato flavor at all. But the scone shape made it feel a little classier than a biscuit I suppose - and the recipe is a little simpler due to not having to cut out the biscuit shapes. Next time - I would probably try to make them with cinnamon or something to make it feel more breakfast like.

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