Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shrimp with Spaghetti & Pine Nuts

First, let me start my acknowleding that the blog is sparse.  However - I do make meals, sometimes... This weeks is a perfect example.  I've cooked 2 of the past 3 nights - but have just not taken the time to post.  Between work, taking care of the husband & house, and studying for my exam that I'm taking on Saturday - its everything I can do to get a fresh meal on the table.  But I'm taking the time this morning to catch up on the posting.  I'll start with the least exciting and leave you with the fantastic meal in a separate post.

We all know by now that I love shrimp - I cook with it often.  In attempt to make something quick and maybe a bit different I tried out this recipe.  I used the opportunity to use up some pine nuts leftover from the prosciutto pasta.  To make a side note - we did not have pasta two nights in a row.  I made this meal last night - so there were a couple nights of pasta free eating.

It was pretty simple, but I should have listened to my gut and thrown in something more exciting - a can of diced tomatoes, some mushrooms, something - it was just pasta & shrimp....  Quick, satisfying and I used whole wheat pasta in an attempt to be healthier.  I can't tell a taste difference with the wheat pasta, but its delicious just the same.  I probably won't be making this one again - but then again - I typically make variations of shrimp & pasta all the time.

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