Friday, May 21, 2010

Mushroom, Prosciutto & Gouda Pizza

I attempted to make a pizza to deviate a bit from the normal pizza we usually make.  David typically makes a delicious thick slow baked crust that rises quite a bit with a rich garlicly tomato sauce.  So, in effort to be totally different because I cannot reach his greatness - I made a thin crisp crust, no sauce, hearty mushrooms & crisp prosciutto with creamy gouda (leftover from last nights dinner)

I found the crust recipe in a Cooking Light magazine: Crust Recipe  I preheated up the pizza stone in the oven while it got up to 550 degrees.  Cooking at a high temperature helps get a nice crisp to the crust, however, I would recommend to clean out any little burnt crisps that lay in the bottom of the oven before getting it this hot.  The little boil over that I have postponed cleaning up created quite the whaft of black smoke that had the dog a bit worried.

While the oven heated up, I sauted 1 minced shallot with 8 oz of sliced mushrooms.  Once the mushrooms became tender, I stirred in a tablespoon of garlic and a few teaspoons of red wine vinegar.

We like to roll out pizza dough on cornmeal to give it that extra crunch, so once the oven was heated up, I rolled out the dough and topped with the mushroom mixture (no sauce needed), 3 oz of thinly sliced prosciutto, and shredded Gouda (leftovers from last night).  I baked for about 10 minutes. I watched closely in fear it would start on fire with the oven being so hot - but it all turned out without incident.

I loved this pizza - the flavors were different than the typical pepperoni and tomato sauce.  I didn't miss a sauce, and the prosciutto crisped up nicely.  I would definitely make this one again - and I'll remember to clean out my oven a bit first next time :)

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