Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Roasted Shrimp & Asparagus with Angel Hair Pasta

If I were to rank tonight's dinner, I'd rank it as a "Needs Improvement".  In theory, this dish had potential, but I just didn't pull it off well.

What it's supposed to be: Oven roasted shrimp with asparagus, tossed with butter & lemon juice & served with angel hair pasta. Seemed like it would be a nice simple dish with a good taste.  Simple it was - but I made one fatal flaw: I bought cheap shrimp.  Buying cheap ingredients gets me almost every time. I once again made the fatal flaw of not buying good enough quality ingredients when the meal only has a few.  I would definately make this again with a few modifications: buying better quality protein and adding a few herbs to add some more flavor.

As it was tonight:

1 1/2 lbs of 51-60 shrimp
1 lb angel hair pasta (I tried multigrain pasta)
1 bundle of asparagus
2 lemons, juiced & zested
4 tblsp of butter

Spread out shrimp & asparagus on a sheet pan & coat with a bit of olive oil, pepper & salt.  Roast in 400 degree oven for about 8 minutes.
Cook pasta per package - 8 min or so. Before I drained the pasta, I reserved 3/4 cup of the pasta water.
When the shrimp turned nice and pink & asparagus was tender, I put it in the pot of drained pasta with the butter, lemon juice & reserved pasta water and tossed to mix the flavors.

Next time: either more lemon or less pasta & add some red pepper flakes.

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