Monday, April 12, 2010

Chicken Yakisoba Noodles

Inspired by a recent trip to Benihani, eying a table companion's entree choice of yakisoba noodes, David & I decided we could replicate a restaurant cooked meal with 1/4 of the price and probably half the calories.

Yakisoba noodles: I bought 2 packages of the pre-steamed noodles, found in the fresh produce section of the store. They have a variety of flavors, but I opted for the traditional teriyaki flavor.

 Cooked 1 1/4 lbs of chicken with a bit of sesame oil in the wok.  I sprinkled in a bit of red pepper flakes to spice it up just a bit.  The packages of noodles then went in the wok, with the flavoring packets and 1 cup of water, along with the veggies.  I cooked it just long enough for the noodles to unclump and the cabbage to just get a bit soft - probably only 2-3 minutes.  This came out tasting very good - a great substitute to a meal out - and a fraction of the cost.  Considering both David & Rick basically licked the pan clean, I'll guess that this one is probably a repeat offender.

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