Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pulled Pork Chipotle Burrito

Anyone who has spent a considerable amount of time with me has probably noticed that I love the McDonald's owned burrito place: Chipotle. For dinner tonight I attempted to mimic the pork-pulled burrito best I could.

For the pulled pork I bought 3lbs of pork loin. Chopped it up into two inch strips. Combined in the slow cooker with about 2 cups of water, a couple cans of diced jalapaneos, chilis, and whatever you fancy with your pork. Chipotle always has a lime taste to me so I dumped a bunch of lime juice in there too. Cranked it at low for 7 hours while I was at work. A great smell to come home to; mmmmm!

For the rice I think they use basmati. Rinsed a bunch because I didn't want it to be mushy. Combined in the rice cooker with water, lemon and fresh cilantro. I used a water to rice ratio of 1.5:1

Just heated up some canned black beans. I was going to use dried ones but I had no idea how long it took and didn't have time once I got home from work!

Dump a ridiculous amount of hot sauce on it, and you have yourself a delicious burrito. I think the last part I have to change is the tortilla. We used 'Mission' brand tortillas but I am pretty sure Chipotle uses better ones, and they have that nice steamer thing that I do not know how to mimic.

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