Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ravioli with Tomato Sauce

Within the Vranizan household - we are a fan of quick, easy and tasteful meals.  Tonight's dinner was super easy with the taste of fresh ingredients.
  • Start out with a tablespoon or two of olive oil in a pan, heat and then toss in a few slices of finely chopped salami with a tablespoon or so of minced garlic.  Cook til a bit crisp.  
  • Drain a can of whole plum tomatoes, but reserve the juice. Crush the tomatoes in the pan and cook until they are almost on the dry side - this took about 5 minutes.  
  • I then poured in the reserved sauce from the can of tomatoes, a few leaves of torn fresh basil, a pinch of sugar, pinch of salt and 3/4 cup of water. Simmer for about 5 minutes.
While I was making the sauce, I boiled up a pot of water and cooked 1 1/2 packages of cheese ravioli (we like the refrigerated kind, it tastes fresher).  We wanted to use spinach ravioli, but the store was sold out, but the cheese was a good flavor. I overcooked the pasta just a bit, so it got all stuck together, but other than that, it tasted ok.

Served up the ravioli with some garnish of more torn basil and lots of freshly graded Parmesan.  We had some leftover garlic bread, so this went well.  Overall a very simple meal, but using chunks of the crushed tomatoes and the fresh basil gave a great taste.

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