Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vranizan Post Failure:

Well folks, by now, you've probably stopped checking our blog - because lets face it - we've failed.

Those of you who have talked to David in the last few weeks have noted my absence, or have heard his lamenting about our odd lifestyle.  Unfortunately, its that time of year - the time of year where I work crazy rediculous hours and leave my husband at home to fend for himself for weeks on end.  Between now and our last post, we have managed to make a few homemade meals during the weekends when I'm home, but nothing very post-worthy or notable. 

Don't give up on us yet - when things slow down - as they inevitably will when I return from travels at the end of March - check back in on us.  We'll start cooking again soon - I promise.  The meals on the road are not glamorous by any means, and David will eventually get tired of eating pizza rolls :)

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