Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chicken and Potato: CRITICAL FAILURE

Alternative Title: Steph lets David cook.

Well. That was certainly an adventure. Let me I'll give this recipe in first person and present tense:
  • First I cup up the chicken into bite size peices. Unfortunately we only had skin-on and bone-in chicken thighs. I should have taken this as a sign, but I ignorantly continued on
  • Shake up the bite size pieces of chicken with 2 tablespoons of flour, 2 teaspoons of paprika, and on a whim, a ton of powdered red pepper and other hot things I could find in the kitchen. This would prove to be a critical mistake
  • I shook and distributed over the chicken, threw it into a pan on Med-High and cooked with some a ridiculous amount of garlic, mushrooms, and whatever other random things I could chop up and throw in.
  • At this point, it started smoking. I was having a hard time being near the smoking inferno. Jake started snorting/coughing uncontrollably. It seems I used way too much red pepper. I saved Jake by letting him outside, and tried to brave the smoke as best I could.
  • I opened most the windows, but it did little to clear the fog. Bella started bleating her discomfort, and orbit tried to claw her way out the window. I pictured Stephanie finding me in the kitchen: Killed by cooking.
  • However, all ended up well. The smoke cleared and I seemed to have some kind of edible mess.
  • I threw it onto a potato.
  • I may never cook again.

Steph's poor pan...


  1. still looks pretty delicious to me

  2. So did the pan get salvaged? If so, then no harm, no foul! Except maybe the dog...
