Friday, January 7, 2011

Edamame, Sweet Corn and Black Bean Burrittos

David created this delicious combo several months ago, and it was ingenious. I never would have thought to put soy beans inside of a tortilla accompanied by sweet corn. It goes without saying that this is better enjoyed with fresh, sliced right off the cob, sweet corn, but during these winter months we settle for the frozen stuff. Not as refreshing, but the texture combination is still there.

We use basmati rice for these burritos. Something about the longer and slightly softer grain of the rice pairs well with a burrito, but if you want to be fancy - its also the type of rice that Chiptole uses. I threw in a small handful of cilantro and a few spritzes of lime juice to the rice after it was finished cooking - also what Chiptole does. See a trend?

The combination of edamame and black beans provide enough protein so that you really don't miss any meat. We top ours with a sprinkle of monterey jack cheese. Just a quick note on the flavors: there are no additional spices added other than cilantro and a hint of lime to the rice. All of the flavor comes from the veggies & black beans. If that is not ok with you, dump hot sauce all over - as David does. I prefer mine pretty simple, but if you wanted to spice these up a bit, you could probably stir a little bit of taco seasoning in with the black beans when they are cooking.

After David made these for us the first time, we wondered why we hadn't thought of this combination before. Delicious!

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